The comparative effectiveness of three commercial oral solutions in correcting fluid, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances caused by calf diarrhoea

كتاب The comparative effectiveness of three commercial oral solutions in correcting fluid, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances caused by calf diarrhoea

الكاتب: Multiple References

Three commercial oral rehydration solutions (Effydral ('E'), Lectade (`L') and Lectade Plus ('LP')) were evaluated in young calves with diarrhoea following the administration of E. coli . Twenty calves with non-fatal diarrhoea were included in each group and examined for electrolytes, acidosis (pH, It ;o 2, and Tco 2 ), PCV and selected biochemical parameters. Faecal consistency and clinical state were also assessed . Eight calves were examined for plasma and ECF volume . Calves were treated with the appropriate ORS only for 2 days and with ORS plus milk substitute for a further 2 days . No other treatments were given . Solutions E, L and LP were chosen specifically to test the hypothesis that their ability to repair extracellular volume would depend on their sodium content (E>L>LP) and their ability to correct metabolic acidosis would reflect their content of bicarbonate precursor (E>LP>L) . Both hypotheses were confirmed as was the fact that the higher sodium content of E helps it to repair ECF volume without predisposing to hypernatraemia . The importance of correcting hyponatraemia as well as ECF volume is emphasized . Direct measurement of such changes proved much more sensitive than traditional clinical parameters such as weight loss, skin elasticity, etc . Although this study was not designed to examine mortality, it is noted that nine treated calves died, none in the E-treated group .

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