The Effects of Weaning Age on the Growth, Milk and Milk Fat Characteristics of Brown Swiss Cattle

The Effects of Weaning Age on the Growth, Milk and Milk Fat Characteristics of Brown Swiss Cattle

الكاتب: Multiple References

Calf-rearing programs have changed significantly over the last several decades. The recommended age for the weaning of calves has been reduced from 8-12 weeks to 5-6 weeks (1). Recent studies on early weaning of dairy calves indicate that the calves can be weaned successfully even earlier (2-5). However, in Turkey, the weaning age of calves ranges from 7 to 12 weeks (6). The milkfeeding period has to be reduced in order to take advantage of several benefits of the early weaning program. The early weaning program reduces feed cost because of early transition to dry feeds which are more economical than milk, and reduces the liquid-feeding period when calves are subject to scours and digestive problems. It also lessens the number of individual pens required for liquid-feeding, and diminishes the number of calves on the liquid-feeding program at the same time. Therefore, the animals can be given better care, which should result in improved health during that period (1).

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