Rabbit Production

كتاب Rabbit Production

الكاتب: Multiple References

Rabbit Production is widely recognized as a source of up-to-date information for highly experienced rabbit raisers as well as beginners. Changes of publishers and our scientific knowledge of rabbit production methods have necessitated a revision to offer the most current information to our readers. We have tried to write in a style that will be useful to people interested in rabbits, regardless of educational background. We hope that after reading this book you will have gained knowledge that will be useful to you in your rabbit raising endeavors. Because our new publisher (CAB International) is located in the UK, we have had to change all of our units to metric (grams, liters, meters, etc.) We have included a conversion table as Appendix 1. Use of rabbits as a food and income resource in developing countries continues to increase, with expanding interest in Eastern Europe and in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The ability of rabbits to reproduce and yield high quality meat on low quality diets based on forages and agricultural by-products, as well as their modest housing requirements, makes them well suited for subsistence agriculture.

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