![Practical Cattle Farming](https://www.pdf-books.org/kutubpdfcafe/cover/imagenotfound.webp)
الكاتب: Multiple References
Acknowledgements The most important contributors to this book were the many farmers and stock-keepers – especially the clients of the Kingfisher Veterinary Practice and the Farm Animal Practice of the University of Bristol Veterinary School – who willingly shared their ideas, experience, and enthusiasm. We are immensely grateful to you all. We much appreciate the constructive advice and comments on earlier drafts of the text provided by Kathy Anzuino, Colin Penny, Prof. Patrick Hoffman, David Barrett, James Husband, Richard Vecqueray, Mike Bray, Ian Powell, Prof. Jon Huxley, Dr Mike Kelly, Stuart Bacon, and the Milk Development Council. We thank the MDC also for their kind permission to use material from their Grass+ programme. We are extremely grateful to Prof. Martin Green for kindly agreeing to write a foreword. Likewise we should like to thank Peter (‘Slasher’) Bazeley and Prof. Gareth Thomas for their enormous efforts in proofreading and large expenditure on red ink. Sam Bazeley took many of the photographs for us and deserves special thanks, as do the other contributors of photographs: Richard Vecqueray, Ulrike Wood, Lauren Woolley, and the Kingfisher Veterinary Practice. Finally, many thanks from Alastair to Rachel and their children for putting up with yet another ‘little project’, and from Kat to her family for their support.
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