![Plasma achiral and chiral pharmacokinetic behaviour of intravenous oxfendazole co-administered with piperonyl butoxide in sheep](https://www.pdf-books.org/kutubpdfcafe/cover/imagenotfound.webp)
الكاتب: Multiple References
S. SAÂ NCHEZ J. SMALL D. G. JONES & Q. A. McKELLAR Area Farmacologõa, Facultad de Cs. Veterinarias, UNCPBA, Campus Universitario, Tandil, Argentina; Moredun Research Institute, Pentland Science Park, Penicuik, UK SaÂnchez, S., Small, J., Jones, D. G., McKellar, Q. A. Plasma achiral and chiral pharmacokinetic behaviour of intravenous oxfendazole co-administered with piperonyl butoxide in sheep. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 25, 7±13.
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