Performance of Willage Sheep Flocks in Central Anatolia.II. Fertility and productivity of ewes

Performance of Willage Sheep Flocks in Central Anatolia.II. Fertility and productivity of ewes

الكاتب: Multiple References

The identification of factors which are limiting productivity is an important step in the development of sheep production systems. Good fertility largely contributes to high productivity and is influenced by the conception rates, the litter size and mortality rates of lambs. The combination of fertility and pre-weaning growth performance in a productivity index provides good opportunity to judge different sites and production systems. Data on growth performance and description of the production systems from a pilot study in village flocks of the Konya and Karaman provinces were reported in an earlier paper (1). This paper reports on the fertilitiy and overall productivity in the same flocks. The resuts are be relevant for the improvemend of sheep production in large areas of the Central Anatolian Highland.

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