Peptide Antibiotics

Peptide Antibiotics

الكاتب: Multiple References

Hundreds of peptide antibiotics have been described in the past half-century (20, 28, 35). These fall into two classes, nonribosomally synthesized peptides, such as the gramicidins, polymyxins, bacitracins, glycopeptides, etc., and ribosomally synthesized (natural) peptides. The former are often drastically modified and are largely produced by bacteria, whereas the latter are produced by all species of life (including bacteria) as a major component of the natural host defense molecules of these species. The former have been well described to date (28, 35) and will be briefly summarized here with emphasis on their clinical importance, similarities in function to the natural peptides, and future prospects. The latter represent a new opportunity for the medicinal chemist and will be described in more detail with emphasis on the role in natural host defenses (as nature’s antibiotics) and the clinical potential of peptides derived from these natural peptides.

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