Naturally Occurring Acute Coliform Mastitis in Holstein Cattle

Naturally Occurring Acute Coliform Mastitis in Holstein Cattle

الكاتب: Multiple References

Physical examination and clinicopathologic findings from 44 adult Holstein cows with naturally occurring coliform mastitis were studied. The cattle were grouped for comparison by stage of lactation and survival. Cattle within the first 4 weeks of lactation maintained higher median mature neutrophil counts (1,200 versus 3OO/pL) in peripheral blood than cattle later in lactation. Nonsurviving cows had higher median creatinine concentration (2.5 versus 1.6 mg/dL) and anion gap (25 versus 20 mEq/L), and lower serum protein (7.1 versus 7.6 gm/dL) and total C02 (19.8 versus 25 mEq/L) concentrations than surviving cows (P < .05). These findings indicate that cattle with uremia and metabolic acidosis are less likely to survive the infection. Bacteriologic blood cultures were performed on 34 of the 44 cows studied. Escherichia coli was isolated from the blood in 11 (32%) cows. Clinical presentation and clinicopathologic data were compared in bacteremic versus nonbacteremic cows to evaluate these data as predictors of bacteremia. Bacteremic cows

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