Metabolism and absorption of toxic glycosides by ruminants

Metabolism and absorption of toxic glycosides by ruminants

الكاتب: Multiple References

The cyrnogenic giycoside prunasin is the toxic component in a number of browse species (serviceberry, Amelanchier a&folia, and chokecherry, Pnmus virginiana); and giycosides of Initropropanoi (NPOH), such as miserotoxin, are the poisonous prlncipie in a number of Astragalus species such as timber miikvetch, A. miser var. serotinus. Hydrolysis of the giycosidic bond in rumen contents is the first step in the bioactivation of the giycosides. Diet infiuences populations of rumen microorganisms and diet may induce the proliferation of bacteria that function in giycoside hydrolysis and detoxification. The absorption of NPOH from the reticuio-rumen was examined in cattle on alfalfa hay and corn siiage diets. 3- nitropropionic acid (NPA), the lethal metaboiite of NPOH, was detected in both plasma and urine. The plasma levels of NPA were reduced when the diet enhanced the rate of NPOH detoxification in the rumen. The enhancement was achieved with a feed suppiement containing nitroethane, a synthetic anaiope of NPOH that is much less toxic than the natural toxin. The high levels of NPA in urine Q-30 ppm) suggested a procedure for detecting livestock poisoning by nitro-bearing plants. The absorption of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) from the reticuio-rumen was also examined in cattle given sublethal doses of prunasin from serviceberry. Metaboiites of HCN in blood and plasma were detected at low levels (

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