الكاتب: Multiple References
To report an outbreak of mastitis, polyarthritis and abortion caused by Mycoplasma sp bovine group 7 in three large, centrally-managed dairies and to review the relevant literature. Design Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data were analysed, collated and reported. Multidisciplinary procedures were employed. These included clinical assessment and comprehensive laboratory investigations of affected calves, aborted foetuses and milk samples. Mycoplasma cultures and genetic analyses of isolates were undertaken to identify the aetiological agent. Results About 30% of 240 calves usually kept in a calf rearing facility developed severe polyarthritis as a result of Mycoplasma sp bovine group 7 infection between 2 and 3 weeks of age. Multiple abortions occurred on these farms. Mycoplasma sp bovine group 7 was recovered from the fibrinopurulent synovial exudates of four 14- day-old calves, from the stomach contents and lungs of two aborted foetuses, from 14 of 21 bulk milk and four of 10 mastitic quarters. Three bulk colostrum samples cultured during the outbreak were negative for mycoplasma.
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