الكاتب: Multiple References
Recent years have witnessed a surge in interest directed at innate immune mechanisms. Proper conceptualization of the key elements of innate immunity, however, is still a work in progress, because most research in immunology traditionally has been focused on components of the acquired immune response. The question of why an animal stays healthy in a world filled with many dangers is perhaps as interesting as why it sometimes surrenders to disease. Consequently, studies with an increased focus on inborn mechanisms of animal host defense may help further the development of appropriate preventative and therapeutic measures in veterinary medicine. Host defense peptides (HDPs) are central effector molecules of innate immunity, and are produced by virtually all living species throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. These gene-encoded peptides play a central role in multiple, clinically relevant disease processes. Imbalances in the expression of HDPs can lead to overt pathology in different organ systems and cell types in all species studied. In addition, HDPs are an ancient group of innate chemical protectors, which are now evaluated as model molecules for the development of novel natural antibiotics and immunoregulatory compounds. This review provides an overview of HDPs and is aimed at veterinary practitioners as well as basic researchers with an interest in comparative immunology involving small and large animal species.
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