الكاتب: Multiple References
The susceptibilities of three bovine and two human Babesia divergens isolates to antimicrobial agents were evaluated in vitro by a tritiated hypoxanthine incorporation assay. The MICs at which 50% of isolates are inhibited (MIC50s) for mefloquine (chlorhydrate), chloroquine (sulfate), quinine (chlorhydrate), clindamycin (phosphate), pentamidine (isethionate), phenamidine (isethionate) plus oxomemazine (chlorhydrate), lincomycin (chlorhydrate monohydrate), and imidocarb (dipropionate) were determined. Except for imidocarb, the MIC50s observed for the different isolates were close. Imidocarb and the combination of phenamidine plus oxomemazine exhibited the highest in vitro activity, while antimalarial agents such as mefloquine, choroquine, and quinine were inactive. Other drugs had intermediate activities. The data support further in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial agents active against B. divergens for the improvement of therapeutic strategies.
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