الكاتب: Multiple References
Sixteen anestrous adult female camels (Camelus dromedarius) in gnod ha.slth and with jnactive ovaries were selected from the he:-d durl r30 the month of June t non-hreedi nq season ) . The camel ~3 w* rr; r-andomly divided into 4 equal group;;. To i nduce ova 1-i an .a r't I v i t y I r:ame 15 i n G:rOULXi T,TT and TTT WeI-+? given an int:rdmus~ular injection of 250 mg hydroxyorooesterone hexanaete followed by 1000 TIJ eCG on days 2 and 3 of treatment. The camels we 1-9 mat.& on Day 5 after the last eCG injection. ctvuliition i ii Groups TT and ‘ITT W?lB induced by int Iravenous administr-ation of 3000 TIJ hCG and 40 mcg GnRH, respectively. C;i-ano TV was administered saline and served as the control. P5 i- i odi c examinations per- rectum were performed to explore the status ‘3 f the ovaries. Dlood samples were co1 1 noted at 8 i3i ffeI_ent st.aqes and sex-a were analyzed for estradiol 17-R and procJeatei_one usi nfl speck fir: RIA kits. All ccamels in the control a ild t i-eat Pd i,i‘i,nns WlnI‘R mated successfully. Levels of estradiol 17-P. did not exhibit any particular trend. Rlood oroqesterone levels suggested ovulation in 2 camels 150%) in Group T and in 3 0 1997 by Elsevier Science Inc.
تحميل كتاب INDCTTON OF SEXUAL ACTTVITY TN FEMALE CAMlLES DURING THE NONRREEDTNG SEASON ، تحميل كتب ، تحميل كتب PDF ، تحميل كتب طب بيطرى PDF ، تحميل روايات PDF ، أحسن موقع تحميل كتب PDF ، أفضل مواقع تحميل كتب مجانية
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