Histopathology of the duodenum and rumen of goats during experimental infections with Paramphistomum cervi

Histopathology of the duodenum and rumen of goats during experimental infections with Paramphistomum cervi

الكاتب: Multiple References

On microscopic examination after experimental infection with Paramphistomum cervi, tissue reactions in the duodenum were more pronounced during early stages of the infection (20th day post-infection (DPI)). Immature parasites were seen migrating to the muscularis layer, and focal infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes was observed in the lamina propria and in the interstitial tissue of Brunner's gland. At places, there was cystic dilatation of Brunner's gland. At 40 DPI, the parasite was not present in the duodenal sections, and cellular infiltration was more diffuse and consistent With the passage of time, the tissue reactions and cellular infiltration in the duodenum became less pronounced, but at 80 days parasites were attached to the villi of the rumen. Infiltration of mononuclear cells in the supporting connective tissue of the rumen was also observed. Thus, it is concluded that the immature forms of Paramphistomum cervz caused more severe damage in the duodenal tissue, whereas the adult form inflicted mild tissue damage in the rumen of the experimental kids.

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