Follicular status and superovulation in cattle A field trial

كتاب Follicular status and superovulation in cattle A field trial

الكاتب: Multiple References

Two experiments conducted under field conditions were done to determine the influence of follicular status (experiment 1) and of follicular alteration (experiment 2) on superovulatory responses. In both experiments, ultrasonography was performed once daily over 4 d prior to gonadotropin treatment (Day 0), on the Day of estrus during superovulation and on the Day of embryo collection to monitor follicular development. Animals were superstimulated between Davs 8 and 12 of the estrous cvcle with 400 me Folltrouin-V Bven in decreasing doses over 4 d &d luteolysis was induced bith 2 injectionsof clop;ostenGl (2ml) given at tie time of the fifth and sixth injections of Folltrouin-V. Data were analvzed bv the GLM Drocedure and Chi square analysis &ing SAS. In expiriment 1, the relationships beiween folli&lar status prior to SuDerstimulation and suoerovulatorv resuonses were examined over 102 suuerovulation cvcles. Tfie diameter of the largest follicle CFI; 13.4 vs 9.8 and 10.1 mm; 6 < 0.007) aid the difference between the diameter of the Fl and the second largest (F2) follicles (7.6 vs 4.5 and 3.8 mm; P < 0.001) were higher over a 4 d period prior to superovulation in animals yielding a high (2 5 embryos) than a medium (3 to 4 embryos) and a low (I 2 embryos) number of quality 1 embryos. In these cases, Fl and Fl-F2 responses were indicative of a morphologically dominant follicle in the growing and regressing phases in animals yielding low and high numbers of embryos, respectively.

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