الكاتب: Multiple References
I was surprised when reading the Special Report “Health Canada’s Policy on Extra-Label Drug Use in Food-Producing Animals in Canada” in the July 2008 issue of The Canadian Veterinary Journal not about what was in the Report but more about what was not in it. While we agree with the four key elements of Health Canada’s ELDU policy we think three pivotal additions need to be added to ensure proper ELDU of medications. As a representative of the regulated animal health industry, members of the Canadian Animal Health Institute (CAHI) place great emphasis on both pre- and post-market product requirements. In an ideal world CAHI members wish that practitioners had licensed product for all the medical needs they face. This, however, is not possible so we are supportive of the practice of ELDU within the context of the following three parameters; • the CVMA Compounding Decision Cascade, • application of the services of the Canadian Global Food Animal Residue Avoidance Database (CgFARAD) and, • recognition of post-marketing pharmacovigilance and adverse-event reporting requirements.
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