Essentials of Food Science - 3rd ed Springer 2007

كتاب Essentials of Food Science - 3rd ed Springer 2007

الكاتب: Multiple References

Knowledge of food science is applicable to all persons, in diverse college majors. This text is designed with a user-friendly approach to Food Science for the non-major. This text reviews an Introduction to Food Components – quality and water. Next it addresses carbohydrates – including starches, pectins and gums, breads and pasta, vegetables and fruits. Then proteins – meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, milk and milk products are presented. Following proteins are fats and emulsions. Then sugars and sweeteners, and baked products, the latter of which builds upon basic food component knowledge. Various aspects of Food Production are examined, including food safety, preservation and processing, food additives and packaging. Government regulation and labeling complete the chapter information. New in this edition are "Culinary Alerts!" scattered throughout chapters. Their inclusion allow the reader to more easily apply text information to cooking applications. Also new are the Appendices, which cover the following: Biotechnology. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) Functional foods Nutraceuticals Phytochemicals Medical foods USDA Food Pyramid Food Label Heath ClaimsResearch Chefs Association – certification as a culinary scientist and more Using a multidisciplinary approach, Essentials of Food Science, Third Edition combines food chemistry, food technology, and food preparation applications into one single source of information.

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