Enteral Feeding of 3 Mature Cows by Rumenostomy (p 779-781)

Enteral Feeding of 3 Mature Cows by Rumenostomy (p 779-781)

الكاتب: Multiple References

Rumenostomy is the creation of a permanent or semipermanent rumen fistula. Permanent rumen fistulation is performed to facilitate nutritional research or provide rumen fluid donors.1,2 Transfaunation is an effective adjunctive therapy in cattle recovering from surgery.2 Texts have recommended the use of rumenostomy to provide symptomatic relief in cattle with recurrent bloat.1 This report describes the use of rumenostomy and enteral feeding as adjunctive therapy in cows unable to eat or drink. Repeated oroesophageal intubation may not be tolerated by many cattle and the diameter of stomach tubes typically precludes provision of large volumes of feedstuffs.

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