Effective treatment of bovine ephemeral fever

Effective treatment of bovine ephemeral fever

الكاتب: Multiple References

The paper by Fenwick and Daniel' on the effect of ketopro fen on experimentally induced ephemeral fever may mislead readers on the clinical course of this disease and seems to suggest that no drug treatment has been effectively assessed. The detailed published assessments on phenylbutazone and flunixin meglumine and supporting biochemistry'~' have not been cited in their bibliography. The essential information in these papers is summarised in this letter. Their methodology used twice daily observation which did not allow for short term effects of the drug to be taken into account. My experience of the value of continuous observation relates to two groups of four adult steers which were observed for clinical signs and sampled for haematological and biochemical analysis on an hourly basis for the period of their experimentally induced ephemeral fever (TD St George unpublished).' This close observation disclosed that the initial temperature rise was steep, that the fever was phasic and that the clinical signs related to fever.

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