Dairy cattle judging

كتاب Dairy cattle judging

الكاتب: Multiple References

Judging dairy cattle is a comparative evaluation of cattle in which animals are ranked based on their closeness to “ideal” dairy conformation. Desirable dairy conformation involves functional traits associated with high milk production over a long, troublefree productive life. Inaddition to learning how to judge cattle, many life skills are gained through the dairy judging experience. These include observation, decisionmaking, and public speaking skills. In order to judge dairy cattle, you must begin with the fundamentals. Learning the parts of a cow, ideal dairy conformation, and how to describe differences between animals will provide you with the necessary tools to place classes. This fact sheet is intended to provide you with those fundamentals. Inaddition, good judges of dairy cattle need a definite mental image of the ideal animal for the breed being judged. This image can be developed by observing cattle at shows, visiting

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