Chemotherapy of an Experimental Fusobacterium (Sphaerophorus) necrophorum Infection in Mice

كتاب Chemotherapy of an Experimental Fusobacterium (Sphaerophorus) necrophorum Infection in Mice

الكاتب: Multiple References

(Sphaerophorus) necrophorum Infection in MiceSeveral of the nonsporing, gram-negative anaerobes are known to be of importance in diseases of man and animals. Although the in vitro susceptibility of many of these organisms to antibacterial agents has been determined, no animal model for testing the effects of such agents in vivo has been generally accepted. The major difficulty in developing an animal model arises from the lack of pathogenicity for laboratory animals of most members of the genera Bacteroides and Fusobacterium. Fusobacterium (Sphaerophorus) necrophorum is unusual in that it is pathogenic for rabbits and mice. The rabbit infection has previously been used for testing the effect of sulfonamides (11), but we are not aware of any use of the mouse for chemotherapy tests with this organism.

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