Cattle Inspection

Cattle Inspection

الكاتب: Multiple References

The 2003 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced a new system of payments for farmers and cut the link between support and production. In 2005, the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) replaced the direct payments to farmers that were previously in place. Farmers whose land is situated within a Disadvantaged Area are also entitled to the Disadvantaged Areas’ Compensatory Allowance Scheme (DAS) if they meet the eligibility criteria. The annual value of these two schemes to Irish farmers is about €1.55 billion. With effect from 2007, the Cross-compliance checks also apply to farmers getting the Disadvantaged Areas’ Compensatory Allowance Scheme and/or the Rural Environment Protection Scheme payments.

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لا تنسى تحميل تطبيقاتنا

  • - تحميل الكتب إلي هاتفك وقرائتها دون الحاجة إلي الإنترنت
  • - تصفح وقراءة الكتب والروايات أون لاين
  • - متعة الإحساس بقراءة الكتب الورقية
  • - التطبيق مقدم مجاني من مكتبة الكتب

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