الكاتب: Multiple References
Monthly blood samples from 16 pregnant camel were collected commencing from 60 d post service until the last mont.h of gestation. Two animals aborted and two did not Conceive. The average length of gestation was 398 2 13 and 372 2 11 d in camels carrying male and female fetus, respectively, with a mean of 383 2 9 d. Sera were analyssd for estradiol-17 beta and progesterone by radioimmunoassay. The mean sstradiol levels increased progressively from a basal level of 20 pg/ml at 2 to 3 mo of pregnancy to about 450 pg/ml at the final stages of gestation. The camel bearing a male Petus had relatively lower estradiol concentrations (76.5 + 10.8 pg/ml) as compared to those carrying a female f&s (112.3 + 19.6 pg/ml). The mean progesterone levels fluctuated between 4 and 5 ng/ml throughout (2.5 ! regnancy except for a slightly lower value & 0.27 at 9 to 10mo of gestation. On an average, the camels carrying a male fetus had higher progesterone levels t 5.113 + 0.69 ng/ml) than those carrying a female fetus 3.45 z 0.28). The data suggested that the steroid hormone levels are influenced by the stage of pregnancy and sex of the fetus. Cases of unnoticed abortion and unsuccessful conception could be identified.
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