Acidifiers in Animal Nutrition

كتاب Acidifiers in Animal Nutrition

الكاتب: Multiple References

This book is a compilation of papers from research institutes and the industry worldwide, to provide an overview on the use of acidifiers in animal nutrition & their beneficial effects on livestock and aquaculture. The editor and authors hope that it will encourage discussions on future research and further scientific development leading to more in-depth knowledge on the mode of action and benefits of acidifiers in animal nutrition. Ideal for researchers, industry professionals and students. Contents: Organic acids and salts promote performance and health in animals • Possibilities of E. coli control by using acidifier in livestock production • Possibilities of salmonella control with the aid of acidifiers • The use of different dosages of acidifier based on inorganic acids in post-weaning piglets • Effects of organic acids on growth performance and nutrient digestibilities in pigs • Improving the performance of weaned pigs with natural products • Acidifiers in poultry diets and poultry production • Effect of organic acid containing additives in worldwide aquaculture sustainable production the non-antibiotic way • The use of acids to preserve

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