الكاتب: Multiple References
The Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Second Edition is a single-volume comprehensive guide to microbiology for the advanced reader. Derived from the six volume e-only Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Third Edition, it bridges the gap between introductory texts and specialized reviews. Covering topics ranging from the basic science of microbiology to the current "hot" topics in the field, it will be invaluable for obtaining background information on a broad range of microbiological topics, preparing lectures and preparing grant applications and reports.
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هذا المحتوى مخفي
جميع خدماتنا مجانية .. يرجى دعمنا والمشاركة علي إحدى مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي
أو انتظر 10 ثانية لظهور المحتوى