Pharmaceutical Microbiology 6th ed - W. Hugo, A. Russell (Blackwell, 1998) WW

Pharmaceutical Microbiology 6th ed - W. Hugo, A. Russell (Blackwell, 1998) WW

الكاتب: Multiple References

produce a sixth edition of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and we thank the publishers for their considerable input. With the willing cooperation of our co-authors, we have been able to update and modify our text. Several chapters are under new authorship in an attempt to produce a fresh approach. Some chapters have been streamlined but others expanded to take into account the rapid changes and progress being made in certain areas. A new chapter on vaccination and immunization has been introduced to act as a link with the updated chapters on the principles of immunity and the production of immunological products. The chapter on antibiotic assays has been deleted from this edition because it was considered not only that few developments had taken place in this field during the past few years but also that the topic had been comprehensively dealt with in the previous edition. We hope that this edition will satisfy the needs of pharmacy students, now that the pharmacy degree has been extended to 4 years, and that it will also be of value to pharmacy graduates in hospital, industry and general practice as well as to microbiologists working in the pharmaceutical industry.

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