![كتاب Liquid Scintillation Counting for the Determination of Beta Emitter](https://www.pdf-books.org/kutubpdfcafe/cover/imagenotfound.webp)
الكاتب: Multiple Scientists
Liquid Scintillation Counting: Recent Developments presents the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Liquid Scintillation Counting, held in Sydney, Australia, on August 20-22, 1973. It summarizes the current status of recent developments in Iiquid scintillation spectrometry. It looks at the important role of liquid scintillation spectrometry in universities, laboratories and institutes involved in agriculture, biomedical science, geophysics, and nuclear physics. Organized into 32 chapters, this volume begins with an introduction to the scintillation process in organic molecular systems and liquid scintillation counting. It then discusses the background of a coincidence-type liquid scintillation counter, which is divided into three components. The reader is also introduced to the basic concepts involved in mathematical modeling. This volume includes papers dealing with solubilizers, spark ignition system, radiocarbon dating, benzene synthesis, liquid scintillation chemicals, luminous bacteria, and stochastic multidimensional model for liquid scintillation spectrometer. This book is a valuable source of information for scientists, agriculturists, geophysicists, and nuclear physicists.
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