الكاتب: Prof. Jaliluddin Ahmad Khan
The present article intends to examine some of the main intellectual tendencies which . seem to characterise the cultural milieu of the contemporary civilization of the West. l The burden of its argument is that' the ideological conflict of the present day world,2 while apparently pertaining to a life and death struggle of incompatible opposites, is, nevertheless, unified in its materialistic outlook on life. In fact, it is this fundamental agreement of a world-view which in itself is responSible for the character of this life and death struggle. Irrespective of the'suicidal consequences of this conflict, this article tries to point out that this materialistic outlook on life is not just a piece of untoward accident
تحميل كتاب ALTERNATIVES FOR THE DESTINY OF EUROPEAN CIVILISATION ، تحميل كتب Prof. Jaliluddin Ahmad Khan ، تحميل كتب PDF ، تحميل كتب إسلامية متنوعة PDF ، تحميل روايات PDF ، أحسن موقع تحميل كتب PDF ، أفضل مواقع تحميل كتب مجانية
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